Britney is a Marxist Icon and We Stan

Britney is a socialist now, so Q and A have done a Marxist reading of some of her greatest hits. You’re welcome, please enjoy the following education.



This song is an anthem for when you realise you no longer need capitalism – it is the feeling deep in your being to rise up! Britney says it succinctly with “I’m not your property as from today” – we are no longer tools in the hands of the bourgeoisie, we are our own people. Britney encourages us to scorn the ways of capitalism to have things “nothing but my way” and she tells us she “used to go with the flow” – that she simply accepted capitalism as the norm for society but now sees the truth. The truth that capitalism is only sustainable if you lack a conscience.  

Piece of Me

The lyrics of this song are designed to show us that it is the nature of capitalism to commodify everything. In Piece of Me Britney rallies against her own commodification. The lyrics of the chorus in which she summarises the various labels she’s regarded under (“Mrs. Oh My God that Britney’s Shameless”, etc.) with the repeated question “You want a piece of me?” are there to evoke the realisation that capitalism is only interested in the pieces of our being that can be processed for commodity or work that perpetuates commodity. The tone of the song is entirely sardonic – “No wonder there’s panic in the industry, I mean, please” –  underlying Spears’ socialist outlook. 


Work Bitch

This one barely needs spelling out, but here it is: Work Bitch could also be titled Seize the Means of Production. ‘You wanna live fancy? Live in a big mansion? Party in France?’ Yes Britney, we cry. ‘You better work, bitch’, she replies. This song is rallying cry to take back control, as we the proletariat are the ones producing the Bugattis, Maseratis and Lamborghinis and we must work (bitch) to seize this means. Britney further makes her socialist standing clearer in taunting ‘the governor’ by stating she is the governor now, meaning all of us can be the governor now. Which is socialism.

Gimme More

Gimme More, arguably her most blatant rally towards socialism, shows the nature of consumption under capitalism; infinite. Under capitalism, we only care about the sheer volume of product being created, at the cost of people’s well being. “The unstoppable danger,” says the producer’s voice at the end. Some have argued that this is merely his name – Danja – however, it’s blatant that Britney is shouting out the unstoppable danger that is consumption under capitalism. As Britney repeats “we keep on rocking,” surely an allusion to the great “we keep on beating,” quote from The Great Gatsby, which shows the futility of the American Dream, Spears surpasses Fitzgerald’s analysis with the line “they keep watching.” Under capitalism, the proletariat continues to work while the bourgeoisie merely watch and refuse to help, only asking for more. 


I’m A Slave 4 U 

Another one we almost don't need to explain; Britney is literally admitting that we are all slaves under capitalism. “I can not hold it, I can’t control it,” Britney has no agency of her life under a capitalist society. All she can do is work for a Bourgeoise who do not care about her. Furthermore, Spears shows how people have been brainwashed into loving the society that holds them down. “It just feels right … it just feels good” she whispers in the chorus. This goes in direct juxtaposition to the word “slave,” which has clear connotations of lack of consent. Britney is showing that under capitalism, we are made to feel as though we want to be slaves under the ruling class. 


This is a story about a girl named Lucky. Lucky is rich, Lucky is a star, and yet Lucky cries every night for unknown reasons. Lucky is portrayed as a member of the ruling class – she has a team of workers doing her makeup, reaffirming how lovely she is etc. And yet, she still cries – “if there’s nothing missing in my life then why do these tears come at night.” Lucky is surrounded by material goods, yet she still cannot find happiness. Perhaps it’s because she knows, deep down, that when the socialist uprising comes she’ll be first on the guillotine. “The world keeps on spinning, and she keeps on winning. But tell me, what happens when it stops.” What will happen, Lucky, is that the workers become aware that you’ve treated them like crap and call for your head! 

There you have it. Britney has been a socialist far longer than any of us may have realised. So dismantle capitalism, stay safe and listen to Britney albums. We’ll leave with an image depicting our reaction to anyone defending capitalism.
